Friday, December 29, 2006
There are a surprising lot of hobos here.
Hello, Blog!

I'm back in Des Moines--at least for an hour--writing this from the second level of the Central Library. I had to drive my father up here so he could submerse himself to several hundred feet inside a

hyperbaric chamber, and while he's diving I'm F'ing around here for an hour. And while I realize it's ridiculous to be excited about being in Des Moines, I've been in Guttenberg then Garnavillo then Dubuque then Albia for the past week, so: F you.

John's right, all this being-in-places-of-origin must come to a stop, and soon. I think I'll have an orgasm when I get back to our apartment.

Last night Rominger, Dave and I had an adventure involving Blakesburg, but that story will wait until I get the pictures uploaded.

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