Sunday, February 24, 2008
This was a triumph
So apparently Still Alive, the amazing end-credits song from Portal by Jonathan Coulton is being released as DLC for Rock Band in the 'near future.' This is good news! Tis supposed to be budget priced for .99 cents as well.

For someone that made fun of Guitar Hero et al back in the day, I have been enjoying Rock Band to a ridiculous extent. I've bought all of the DLC out so far and have been playing it online some with various people from the official Rock Band forums. It truly is great fun, and I wonder what is going to happen when the next big thing (Brawl!) comes out...

I noticed a lot of us have it and have been playing it, including Kenny as of last night; we should really set up some time to get together online and pretend to be rock stars. I think it'd be fun, at least. Twould be even more fun to get together and actually do the Band World Tour thing (I think we could get up there on the leaderboards if we tried, even though we're probably not top ten material.)

In other wllm-related news, Nissa is going to be visiting me again from late April through most of July. If you didn't take the time to gawk at my fake internet girlfriend the last two times, this is probably your last chance!

We weren't going to do another trip until the Big Move; but the stars shifted into alignment and United Airlines contacted her about her frequent flier miles expiring at the end of April, so plans were changed suddenly. Still, best (belated) birthday present ever!

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