After two months of selling furniture and relying on returned security deposits to keep gas in my car, I finally got a paycheck this week. I’m afraid the snake eyes sword is still going to have to wait, though. Sad, but I think it’s a sign I’m growing up. Yep, I’m a big boy now. I’ve become a man of serious priorities and a sense of fiscal responsibility. I’ve become a man who is going to blow his entire paycheck on women and alcohol instead of GI Joe swords. I’ve become Amish.
Well, maybe not Amish. Whereas my money will leave me with a belly full of beer and an arm full of blonde, his leaves him with a belly full of whiskey and a hand full of himself.
Speaking of masturbation, did you hear Google has its own web browser now?
I wasn’t interested either until I noticed a story that mentioned some peculiar ownership rules.
“It essentially says that anything you do with the browser is Google property. If you use it to load Google Docs and write a book, then the book belongs to Google.”
So don’t go writing any books using Google Docs, Tim. I bet I stopped you just in time, didn’t I? Aren’t you glad I’m watching out for you? Those Google lawyers are sneaky. They probably would have waited until you were finally finished and while you were celebrating with a ten-dollar six pack they would already have it sold to Penguin.
“But these were my ideas!” You would leap at the Boarders clerk and reach your hand into the till screaming, “This money is mine!” Only to be carted off to the loony bin. The Boarders clerk would stand there staring at you through the window as they threw you into the padded wagon. He would scratch his head and say, “Why the fuck did he write it on Google Docs, anyway?”
Bil mentioned a browser called Opera once upon a time, and I do like that one. It has a Bhagavad Gita widget.
Well, maybe not Amish. Whereas my money will leave me with a belly full of beer and an arm full of blonde, his leaves him with a belly full of whiskey and a hand full of himself.
Speaking of masturbation, did you hear Google has its own web browser now?
I wasn’t interested either until I noticed a story that mentioned some peculiar ownership rules.
“It essentially says that anything you do with the browser is Google property. If you use it to load Google Docs and write a book, then the book belongs to Google.”
So don’t go writing any books using Google Docs, Tim. I bet I stopped you just in time, didn’t I? Aren’t you glad I’m watching out for you? Those Google lawyers are sneaky. They probably would have waited until you were finally finished and while you were celebrating with a ten-dollar six pack they would already have it sold to Penguin.
“But these were my ideas!” You would leap at the Boarders clerk and reach your hand into the till screaming, “This money is mine!” Only to be carted off to the loony bin. The Boarders clerk would stand there staring at you through the window as they threw you into the padded wagon. He would scratch his head and say, “Why the fuck did he write it on Google Docs, anyway?”
Bil mentioned a browser called Opera once upon a time, and I do like that one. It has a Bhagavad Gita widget.

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