Saturday, October 11, 2008
October Dreams...
So for those of you who pay attention to post about dreams, it's a third though october and I've had two dreams about cross country zombie jamboree action and one about witch hunting that took a turn that even I didn't even see coming. Who the hell has these kinds of dreams during Halloween season. I'm mean two dreams of cross country road tripping zombie killing that stared a variation of all of you that I know and then some wierd witch hunting dream. Now I'm starting to wonder if the eye in the sky is trying to tell me something. Still I hold out for the zombie uprising to put to good use all the skills from books, movies and video games. So just what it the plan for Halloween? Any where worth being?

On a side note, I'm going to try and make it to Andy's sing and dance thing on the 18th because it's the next time I have off. Anyone want to join me, order tickets now or let me know and I'll grab tickets and you can pay me back later. I'm thinking dinner first, show second and drinks after if Andy can tear himself away. Who's with me?

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