Monday, March 30, 2009
still just a rat in a cage
This past weekend was a good one--may have been the best weekend of my post-graduation life. It was definitely the best non-holiday weekend.

On Friday night I went out and, as promised, drank myself stupid with Billy. I spent most of saturday laying in bed, sick as hell.

I met Amish, Kevin, and Billy out about eight o'clock on Saturday when I finally felt like my body could hold down some solid food.

Amazingly, I drank coke all night and still had a great time. You can have fun at a bar without consuming alcohol? Who knew?

But now the weekend is over and I'm back in my rat cage.

I feel like I've been caged for a while now. I've tried to spin it in my head like maybe I was a hermit. Like a tai chi hermit or something. But hermits usually live on mountains or in forests and don't have to take phone calls all day. Hermits also do not live with phychotic crack whores.

As soon as I can get some money together (probably meaning: when I decide to stop paying money back to the government) I am going to get the hell out of dodge. In a few weeks we're planning to visit Billy in Chicago (we're still planning to do that, right?), so I can get a feel for that place. Denver might also be an option.

I'd like to stay in Des Moines, but unless I can find a better job here in the next couple months I don't see the point. There are shitty temp jobs in major cities across the country. No reason why I should stay at this one.

Also, I read a Sci-fi novel called Matter recently. I think the author's name was Ian Banks. It was interesting, but maybe not 500+ pages interesting.

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