Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Not brickish
I am preparing to eat some cookies that a caterer dropped off in our office, presumably in the hopes that we would be so enthralled that we would hire her to cater graduation ceremonies or the dark rituals we run every second Blood Moon involving the lowest 5% of the graduating class. Whenever free food appears from mysterious sources I always wonder, what if it is poisoned? Is it possible? Definitely. Likely? Definitely not. But yet: possible.

I can tell you these cookies look pretty delicious.

There's a little card with a website attached to the cookies--so maybe I will go there now. But what if there's a little grinning ASCII death's head? DID YOU EAT THE COOKIES? it might say in red type. And then some information about precisely how long I have to crawl to the parking lot before my internal organs fail entirely.

Sarah commented about one of my recent posts that a genuine babyhide briefcase would suit Billy very well, and I absolutely agree.

Billy, contact your local rawhidseman for an estimate.

No shit, something just exploded outside. But I am still alive and intact so it must not have been anything too dynamic.

Cookie the First: pretty solid. As in tasty, not brickish.

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