Thursday, August 05, 2010
What's up, Bloggistas and Bloggistos? Did you know Subway has a new Cuban sandwich?

I did!

But did you know the fucking thing doesn't exist in Florida?

I didn't!

I did after I got to the Subway ten minutes from my office and ordered a TBG (that's a turkey/bacon/guacamole, idiot). Then I ate it. It was good and a little disgusting and then it was disgusting and a little. I read Jonathan Lethem's Amnesia Moon while I ate it, and that helped.

I am frickin up on Thursday but the lame thing is that I have to get up early tomorrow. I've been exhausted this week and swallowing coffee after coffee and now I'm glittery with energy and I should really go to bed soon. I've been sleeping like a crazy person lately, wakign up and feeling like I haven't slept at all, and the couch is too short but I try it anyway. People outside yell at each other and then when it quiets down it's so quiet you get woken up by the cat acting strange. Last night I dreamt this butterfly was knocking against the window or it could have really happened. My dreams have kind of been melding with reality lately or not happening at all so that it feels like hours have passed and they haven't or the opposite.

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