This day in the blog 2004
The day started of at 10:39 with a link post by Ryan. I particularly enjoy Dhalism's role in this video In shocking fashion Dave made a transformers related comment. Another note about this is that the night before Ryan posted about having problems posting links. I can only assume Andy babied him through this post.
Eight minutes later Ryan would post again to ensure everybody knew his days off for the next month or so. His birthday was amongst these day. He also talked about some video game called Metal Gear. I don't ever recall him talking about this game before but I guess he was excited about it. His then girlfriend belittled him in the comments section. Also a slew of mom jokes were made.
At half past noon Mel let us know she had moved to a quaint little Burgh near Grand Junction, Colorado. I'm not aware of any of the back story as to why she called herself weak minded for this decision.
3:54 PM Goathed let us know how many words were in some historical documents and prayers and the like. He also let us know that there were substantially more words in in the US governments regulations on the sale of cabbage. At the time I am sure this would have shocked me. Unfortunately I am currently working on a simple guide at work that explains the job responsibilities of a floor lead and it is probably more wordy than all of the documents Andy referenced minus the cabbage. Ryan was yet again insulted in the comments.

Then at 5:30 PM drama broke out. Dave made a post about the Mormon's cleanflix bootleg issue. What would follow would be a barrage of insults mostly aimed at Dave. First Ryan poked a friendly jab about Dave's collection of Mormon porn. A minute later Ryan would correct one grammatical mistake with another. Wes would later correct the 2nd mistake. This is when things take a turn for the worse. An anonymous poster would criticize Dave for taking out his pent up frustrations on others. In a separate post anonymous would also insult Dave for having the IQ of a vegetable. Anonymous would end his rant quoting Mark Twain saying "It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt." Dave got the last word by calling out anonymous for his or her unwillingness to share their name with a wink, perhaps implying that he knew the identity of the one who insulted him. Other drama in this comment section would involve Dave insulting Ryan for belittling him, followed by a jab at Ryan's penis size. Ryan apologized for any insult that may have occurred.
Next Wes would post three links to these do not exist any more.
The day would end with a post by Dave entitled DEEP THROAT(and not the porn style either...) In this post Dave would claim that Tim Dicks was anonymous. Anonymous would not admit to this. Claiming anonymous was not always Tim Dicks. A guest claimed we would never know. Bil made the last comments saying he could find out who it was. The identity of anonymous would not be released on this day.
I found this day to be mildly entertaining. The internet argument was slightly depressing but my heart was warmed by all the insults sent at Ryan. Perhaps we need to get him to post here again.
Eight minutes later Ryan would post again to ensure everybody knew his days off for the next month or so. His birthday was amongst these day. He also talked about some video game called Metal Gear. I don't ever recall him talking about this game before but I guess he was excited about it. His then girlfriend belittled him in the comments section. Also a slew of mom jokes were made.
At half past noon Mel let us know she had moved to a quaint little Burgh near Grand Junction, Colorado. I'm not aware of any of the back story as to why she called herself weak minded for this decision.
3:54 PM Goathed let us know how many words were in some historical documents and prayers and the like. He also let us know that there were substantially more words in in the US governments regulations on the sale of cabbage. At the time I am sure this would have shocked me. Unfortunately I am currently working on a simple guide at work that explains the job responsibilities of a floor lead and it is probably more wordy than all of the documents Andy referenced minus the cabbage. Ryan was yet again insulted in the comments.

Then at 5:30 PM drama broke out. Dave made a post about the Mormon's cleanflix bootleg issue. What would follow would be a barrage of insults mostly aimed at Dave. First Ryan poked a friendly jab about Dave's collection of Mormon porn. A minute later Ryan would correct one grammatical mistake with another. Wes would later correct the 2nd mistake. This is when things take a turn for the worse. An anonymous poster would criticize Dave for taking out his pent up frustrations on others. In a separate post anonymous would also insult Dave for having the IQ of a vegetable. Anonymous would end his rant quoting Mark Twain saying "It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt." Dave got the last word by calling out anonymous for his or her unwillingness to share their name with a wink, perhaps implying that he knew the identity of the one who insulted him. Other drama in this comment section would involve Dave insulting Ryan for belittling him, followed by a jab at Ryan's penis size. Ryan apologized for any insult that may have occurred.
Next Wes would post three links to these do not exist any more.
The day would end with a post by Dave entitled DEEP THROAT(and not the porn style either...) In this post Dave would claim that Tim Dicks was anonymous. Anonymous would not admit to this. Claiming anonymous was not always Tim Dicks. A guest claimed we would never know. Bil made the last comments saying he could find out who it was. The identity of anonymous would not be released on this day.
I found this day to be mildly entertaining. The internet argument was slightly depressing but my heart was warmed by all the insults sent at Ryan. Perhaps we need to get him to post here again.
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