Tuesday, July 10, 2012
F:NV: And Dave's Body
Two nights ago I dreamt that a new Fallout game was released. Yeah! Well, it was either that or an expansion for New Vegas. I don't know. The premise was that you explored a desert waste again but this time on a scooter. And you could buy a peripheral hard plastic scooter to sit on at home. And it vibrated and tilted around and probably had controls or something, who knows. Rominger was so excited that he showed up to buy the game in Fallout cosplay gear. He also dyed his hair a cool nickely silver.

Anyway, this inspired me to pick up a copy of New Vegas and Dave, via gchat, challenged me to a dual/duel blog series of our New Vegas playthroughs. Okay! It's on! Get ready for shaky photos of my television taken while I wobble in a crouch, trying not to fall over into fresh cat vomit.

New Vegas is pretty much Fallout 3 but with more sun and a brown filter over everything instead of a green. Also there is an army of weirdos who dress like Roman soldiers and a sexbot and a mysterious guy who commands you via video display and, of course, mutated animals and lawless violence. The game opens when you're shot in the brain for implied but unspecified reasons by this asshole:

Well, okay, dick! Luckily, a friendly (?) robo digs you out of the earth and takes you to a kindly old doctor who not only frees ammunition from your skull but also helpfully asks you to make sure your skill points and various acumens are in order. This is of course ultraconvenient. If this kind of thing went down in real life I would likely shoot myself in the jaw for the chance to suddenly be good at HTML or motorcycling or handstands.

After I left this doctor I, well, I went and made some salmon quesadillas. Then I came back and shot some enormous geckos. What happened was, this guy came up out of a busted trailer and claimed his girlfriend was trapped by the beasts around a few hilly twists in the desert ahead. I chased her trail through the dust and finally had to start chucking dynamite, bang, gore everywhere, bits of gecko, and when I finished them off the dude appeared again and admitted his lie. There was no girlfriend. He only asked me to clear out the geckos so he could get "the stash up there." Well, I blew him up too, and what was the stash up there? A little table, a camera, a few bullets, and Dave's body:

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