Thursday, December 11, 2003
Denise Dye is a fucking shit lord cock smoking demoness from the very anus of hell. Why? She HAS to buy scratch off tickets at 3 A Damn M every FUCKING morning. So last nite whilst i was talking to myself at work (its one there to lament to but meself) I spot her car and proclaim "DENISE! JUST LEAVE!" as i always do when she pulls up. Nope. NOT THIS TIME. FATE HAS YET AGAIN PUNCHED ME IN THE PEEPEE STICK. Denise is an old fuggin hag whos also the biggest gossipin trollup in A-Town. FUCK HER IN THE FACE WITH A KNIFE. Tim...theres a prime brain to fuckstart!

oh how did the Dert Gert UNI thing go?

Oh about the working....MONEY ISNT EVERYTHING YOU GREEDY TITS! Money is good yes but at what cost? Have you learned nothing from Scrooge or George Bailey ("You can judge a man's wealth by the number of his friends" *tear*) ??? This whole 6 days a week is gonna be a whack job of Biblical proportions. Let me ask you this...would YOU want to work 52 hours a week? At the same wage? With NO BENEFITS? Ponder that you Denise Dyes....

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