Wednesday, February 04, 2004
Big American Party!!! - Colors! - Copyleft? (consolidation)
I had 3 posts in a row. So I yanked them and consolidate into one, so it would seem less ridiculous...

Big American Party!!!

Hey, Bil/Me = birthday party wantin. I was thinking here in Grinnell, on Mr. Friday Febuary 13. I can provide sleeping accomodations, drinks, and hopefully entertainment in general. Thoughts?

P.S. If somebody could inform the Amish fellow it would be much appreciated...


I'm trying to make them the way Novo said he wanted them. I hope anyway, let me know. I can't seem to get the novo version to be anything other than white though. Not sure why... I'll keep poking at it...

Edit: I think its fixed...

Edit^2: Yep, now to look at homework or something. Enjoy...


Hmm. Stumbled upon some amazingly interesting stuff today. Ways to give up some, but not all of your copyrights. Which leads to music that is fileshare legal, free online books, and other hot shit.

Its all stems from a setup at, so check it out.

Also there is a record label based on this, that allows you to listen to all the music before you buy it, and if you want to buy it you set the price($5-$18). Its pretty amazing, and amusing.
Artists get 50% of each sale too. Pretty sweet I must say.
Check it out at

Chick a chunk. <-- *shrug*

Any comments on the new colors? (besides bil)
I hope they'll work cause they form something akin to a cohesive whole, whether we do or not...

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