Wednesday, March 03, 2004
Spring Break Goodness
I clicked on Bil's link to DeviantArt...pretty good illustration of Bil with bluish specs. I like that pic.

My spring break runs something like 13 March through 21 March. That includes St. Boozy's day. Oooh yeah. I'll very likely be back in town by 14 (Saturday), with a possibility of it being one day on either side. So: any plans? I remember a post a while ago asking what--if anything--is going down for St. Boozy's.

I'm up for anything any of those days. Maybe even some travelling, although I have no idea where. A trip to DM will likely be in order. I'm curious about when Wes's break is, and also if Bil's still interested in using some of his paid vacation. Cause I've got all week to eat pizza, drink Dew (and more potent things) and rot my mind with video games.

Speaking of video games...things tempt me. the Metal Gear redos for the cube come out soon, and I heard some rumor from Kevin about putting Megaman 1-8 on a single disc? And of course there's the temptation to pick up an SP and crystal chronicles.

ps: If Kevin or any other people in Albia happen to read this, it would be cool to know what Amish's schedule for that time period is like.

additional coolness: Click for the ghetto way to enter the matrix.

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