Tuesday, April 06, 2004
I told you, only chocolate ice cream! ONLY CHOCOLATE, YOU STUPID BASTARD!
I haven't read this yet, but I read a good review of it and it just sounds amusing. It's the weblog of some guys who are trapped in a building by zombies and are begging for help, but for some reason no one believes them. So they spend their time playing monopoly and hurling javelins at the undead. Click here for TRAPPED BY UNDEAD, NEED HELP.

And if you're curious about where I picked up that link, it's from another good site, the Museum of Hoaxes.

And one more: Confuse a Cat, the company that specializes in coming to your home and bewildering your bored kitty. From part of the website: "With our specialised techniques, we can make your cat look like this. Notice the wide eyes, that glossy coat and that precious expression. This cat has absolutely no idea about what is going on and that is as it should be."

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