Thursday, April 01, 2004
I'm joining the brotherhood of the cruciform sword.
Well, Garrett just left and Wells left at 11:30. Things up here have returned to normal. At least, whatever sort of normalcy has been passing for such during the past few weeks. Here are the highlights from the past 24 hours:

--Dave brought me an art project he did that consists of a rectangle of that thick paperboard stuff with a helix done in various sizes of black circles. All over the board are men in suits, about six inches high and made out of paper, which stand on the board and lean in all directions. It's hanging above my bed so that I can have really messed up dreams.

--Garrett played Metal Gear today. Snake: "How'd you get that card key out?" Merrill: "Women have more hiding places than men." Garrett turns to me, grinning: "Heh, she put it in her--"

--Garrett is on the front page of the Albia paper. Hopefully after reading that you're all still conscious. Not only is he on the cover, he's the lead story. It's completely crazy. I never would have guessed the Albia paper would run a lead story on Grrt making it into the Slipknot video.

--Wells modified my brown leather notebook into something of a grail diary (last crusade). Funky monkey. I'm trying to figure out how to make it even more Jones-esque without ruining it.

That's enough for now. I'll try to somehow get a photo of Wells's art project up this weekend.

Nick's supposed to be married now. I'm most curious to find out if it's true or not. It's so weird. Maybe we need a webpage with all our pics on it, and everytime someone gets married we could stamp a big ... whatever across it. I could think of a lot of interesting and potentially offensive designs...

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