Friday, April 02, 2004
How stupid are people?
Some people are incredibly stupid. Today I have to attend a funeral visitation, and the family will be there 6-9. I am supposed to work 5-close. No biggie, someone can either stay to cover me, or come in to cover me. God knows I do it enough for other people. So, I call one of the other waitresses, feeling horrible to call them into work. So, I ask her if she can stay a couple hours longer, as the visitation is in Osky, and she hums and haws over it, then pauses a long time, and says in a pissed-off manner: "Yeah, I GUESS so." Followed by a long sigh.
It's not like I planned for this to happen, I'd just like to go pay my respects. I'm sorry that someone's death is an inconvenience to her.
Stupid people piss me off.
Thats all I have for now.
Everyone have a lovely day.

Edit: Saturday
Just got off the phone with my mother who informed me that my uncle died last night, so I will be up in Northern Iowa/Minnesota for a few days. So, I hope all is well with everyone else.

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