Tuesday, April 20, 2004
this is only for GOATHEAD and RYAN. Any other readers will be hunted down and disemboweled.
Hey, Goathead: more about possible future apartments:

If you, your cellphone-sellin oompaloompah and his coffee making girlfriend really are interested in having a fourth, I might be interested as wellllll. I mean, at least I'll never worry about having someone to drink with. Have any places in mind yet? I'd like to live somewhere with my own room for all kinds of reasons (mostly sick . . . so sick). That's yeah . . . pretty much my only question right now. I figure once summer hits I'll start looking around that area for jobs.

In other news, we got a submission at work Monday titled "The Thing I Hate Most About Ninjas is that Ninjas are So Much Like Me." I haven't read it yet. It's fiction.

Well, I'm done writing now . . . DONE WRITING LIKE A FOX!

Or am I? Ooooh. Hey, if you're feeling at all Matrixy, I just found out Neil Gaiman has a short story up on the Matrix site. I can't link directly to it, so if you're interested go to the site, click breaking news, and scroll down through about a foot of text. It's the green link immediatley following the green link "ARTISTIC FREEDOM."

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