Friday, April 09, 2004
Time travel is gay.
Hoo boy. Found out a very bad thing this morning. Remember how I was discharged (heheheh) from the army before the war? Yeah. My Reserves unit in Iowa City was deployed to Iraq a year after I was booted for bein a fat kid. Turns out they have been in Iraq for a 8 months now (4 months of training before deploying) and they've been forced to stay for another year. Holy Shit. Ill have to remember this because if I time travel and accidentally kill a butterfly or get a slice of pizza out of my current path of history, I might very well be in Iraq and not writing this blog!!! HOLY SHIT! My brain is going to explode over this continuity.

EDIT as of 1232 hours 6 americans have died in Fahita, Iraq. Not right.

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