Friday, November 12, 2004
I support our troops
leaving Iraq.

Is anyone else just about fed-up with those stupid fucking ribbons? Not to mention the message posted on store marquees across Des Moines, "We support the troops." Am I the only person in America who thinks that phrase is dumb? Exactly how are they supporting our troops, I wonder?

My first guess would be that these people are sending money to the pentagon in little yellow envelopes marked "troop support funds." Well so what if they are!?! I pay my fucking taxes! Just because you send extra money doesn't mean you get a special little fucking ribbon on your gas-guzzling Ford Explorer. Ass hat.

So if it isn't monetary support, then what? Is it ideological support. Should those little ribbons really say, "I support our troops in their endevour to massacre the poor, foolish Iraqi people; so that our gas prices can drop ten cents." Too long perhaps? Maybe "I support our troops" is just an abbreviated sloagan to save space. Support for the troops is really just a thinly veiled support for the war. No? Of course, it's hard to argue that you don't support the troops because you don't support the war. The inevitable question that follows, "So you want our troops to die?"

Because, lets face it folks; even if you disagree with the war, you still have to support the troops. Right?

What kind of bullshit rhetoric is that? I think this "support the troops" ribbon campaign, or whatever the fuck it is, is a tricky way to brainwash the American people into supporting the war. I can see absolutely no way that someone can "Support the troops." It is a fucking ridiculous claim. If your brother Bob is in Iraq, and you love Bob and you hope that he survives then get a ribbon that says "I support Bob." If you support a war that is founded on greed and lies then just own up to it and put a fucking sticker on your SUV that says "I support the war."

I want a ribbon that says, "I support our troops coming home."

Fucking posers.

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