Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Popes, laptops, finals, and apples
Well, this first started as just replies to Dave and Andy's posts. But, I decided to just go ahead and post anyways.
The Pope and his death: This does sadden me as well, and I feel that the world has lost a great man. Whoever is selected in this conclave has much to live up to, and I hope that they elect a good person who shows the same amount of compassion/everything Andy said previously to the world such as John Paul II did. That said, I'm sure that mass tonight will be very sad. Andy, maybe I could borrow that book from you sometime, I've never read it and I think it would be a good thing to read, that is if you don't mind. I too tire of the political talks that seem to be running rampant now. It just seems that its always the same redundant arguement: "Bush this, oil that, Iraq this, war that". Its all the same, just on a different day, under a different headline, worded differently.
Enough about that.

Laptops: (or if you're Dave- labtops) I'm pretty intent on getting a HP for a laptop, my neighbor Jessica has one, and is pretty satisfied with their performance, as I am sure I will be. All I really need it for is a few simple tasks. (word processing, CD burning, document saving, and internet acess, as well as a few other random things) Dave, I will be sending you the Hobbitt 5000 after I'm done with it in May. I will take off my crap and reformat the hard drive for you so that its as good as new and doesn't have all my crazy foreign language programs on there, that I'm 99% sure you don't need.

Finals: They're rapidly approaching, thank God. I've got 4 weeks left (including the actual finals week) and I am getting spring fever like no other. I think I'm going to be done with bartending somewhere around April 27th, so I can devote my last week chained to my desk studying. Anyways, in 4 weeks, I'll be the happiest person you've ever met. In the meantime, my life shall be swallowed whole by other random tests/compositions/reports/reading/etc. Also, with this finals business means scheduling classes for next term, which by definition will be hell on Earth (taking 21 hours).

Apples: Simply put, they are delicious. A good crisp, tart, cold Granny Smith apple, or which ever kind you prefer, will really make your day better. I've been up since around 5:45 this morning, and so far, that's been the highlight of my day (sad, I know). With the spring being here and the fast approaching summer, the spectrum of available fruit broadens! (I'm a big fruit eater.)

Anyways, that's about all I got for now which could have been summed up into:
Pope's death is sad, I'm getting a new laptop, finals will suck and apples are great.
So yeah...everyone have a great afternoon, and I hope all is well with everyone. As some of those crazy hippy folk would say, keep on truckin'.

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