Saturday, May 07, 2005
Things that will confuse everyone who wasn't with us last night!
John: Here's a bit of the roughrough script:

BECKETT: He can't really go any lower, sir—

QUINCEY: Then I'm creating a new rank for your skilless noob ass.

BECKETT: ...noob ass?...

QUINCEY: You're demoted to the rank of Underling.

DONNER: Underling?

QUINCEY: Yes…and . . . (thinks) Your new name is Asshat. Underling Asshat.

BECKETT: Sir, I'm not sure you have the authority—


QUINCEY: What's that, Sergeant?

BECKETT: …Nothing, Sir. WALKS TOWARD JEEP, TURNS TO DONNER. Well, let's see what we can salvage from the jeep, Underling Asshat.

The rest i emailed to you at your pd account. kinda short for now.

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