Tuesday, June 28, 2005
I think I have now seen the most offensive bumper sticker to date on a car that was quite literally hidden under them. An obviously pious christian vehicle with many pithy statements adhered to its shell to certify this phrase yet ill skilled at moving amongst its heathen fellow cars had this centered in the back panel
"Satan is a Nerd".

Not sure why that among all the other rediculous sayings got me irritated, or if it was that I had time to read the many phrases as this damnable car sat in front of me instead of going as they should have out of the off ramp and into the open lane.

Oh and yes about the Booze and Books idea. I've been straining my creative machinery trying to come up with a business model that would work on this side of town to begin the process of liberating people from their complete reliance upon crappy jobs. This one has some promise, I'll have to check some of the logistics out this weekend when I have time to do some looking up of details. Dinner out made for an interesting prequel to my very long night of resetting lingerie. I so terribly hate that section of the store and it further dismisses that dated theory that women are less messy than men. That would be bullshit. Ah well, enough ramblings. Now I sleep.

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