Thursday, July 21, 2005
WTF Humanity?
Well I'll try to follow the clever and wordy Tim but I'm not feeling that intellegent any more. I think its the 4 years of being in the mines of Target. Anyhow back to what I was starting with.

I start to page across Yahoo and I'll grumblingly admit I was on the way to glance at the Personals page and I see a bobby in the news window. It appears the poor folk of London got hit again today. Four more stations were attacked but apparently these bombers weren't as skilled as the last four and failed to do much. It sounds like the public is starting to think these bombings are because they are backing our sorry asses in Iraq. I think they are most likely right in that thinking. Now the rub is how do they extracate themselves without looking like they've bowed to the terrorist demands.

Hmm the last couple nights I had thought about trying to start a discussion of favored fictional villains. Though now I'm thinking there are just a few too many real villains running about for this excercise to be all that fun. My faith in the better qualities of humanity is reaching an all time low. I'm getting disconnected, feeling too much like a Morlock, once a part of the machinery now just going through the motions and not knowing for what. I don't know what much else to enter. Ah well, lets see what you come up with.

Favorite fictional villain. I'll only limit it a little here...nothing that ends in "-tron" looking at you know who here.

When I think of villainy, I tend to think of Iago. Not because he had any great power or ability but simply for the fact that there seems to be no reason for his evil other than he wishes it. He brings about the death of Desdemona and Othello and at least one other officer through his own actions before being assisted in his own suicide by one of his former fellow officers to spare the embarrassment of public execution. What about you lot, got a good villian in mind?

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