Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Now that's what I call Flame War 13

All the popular Flame Wars in this 13th volume of Now That's What I Call Flame War.

With hits like:

You whore, your wrong, just wrong!

You're a commie!

Your mom is a whore!

I know everything and you don't!

France blows!

You eat doodie!

And many, many more!



Alright, now that that is out of the way. It's good to see the blog is a tinderbox ready to blow. Also, if you find a derelict monolith in space, leave it the fuck alone. Don't even get close cause the next thing you know, you'll be DJ'ing at a college radio station when you should be at class. And don't think you can just leave the booth and go to class, because you're DJ'ing at a college station across the country from your school.

I love colds. Colds = NyQuil. NyQuil = I really remember my fucked up dreams.

Call now, operators are standing by.



I have the power.

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