Like the Man with 3 Testicles, I dont know what to do with myself
I hate having to be creative. I have to write a story. And then turn it into a screen play. Whoo hooo! Yes, but FOES doesnt translate well into a movie, nor does Denally (not a full length one at least) Maybe I should go the route of Final Phallicy? Mayhaps. Ill figure it out. But in the meantime, Ill take any ideas.
Do you non-bil/morgan/martin/kelly/out of town folks remember the Saluting Man? He was the calico man made from many people from magazines I "turned in" for a grade and got an A out of. I remembered him out of the blue the other day and almost ran off the road in glee.
Do you non-bil/morgan/martin/kelly/out of town folks remember the Saluting Man? He was the calico man made from many people from magazines I "turned in" for a grade and got an A out of. I remembered him out of the blue the other day and almost ran off the road in glee.
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