Friday, December 09, 2005
High Noon
I think this tournament is effecting my brain. I had a dream last night that myself, Tim, and Andy were in this amusement park type place. Around 60 people were milling around the old west area, some looking like cowboys. Someone yelled go, and everyone pulled out a weapon. The weapons were a mix of Halo weapons and old school Jedi Knight weapons (for some reason the concussion rifle was everywhere in the dream). I had a horrible time actually hitting anything, the conc rifle was always kinda hard use.

We survived for awhile, then I ran out of ammo and went looking for another weapon. Andy and Tim decided to stalk around in the cornfield and take out anyone who got close. I find more conc ammo, and a pistol. (and yes, when I switched weapons, the other would just magically be there)

I rejoined the fight, but I couldn't get immediatly back to the cornfield, I had to go through the old west town again. I somehow managed to find an underground cavern. I was ambushed twice just as I exited the tube that went down into the cave. It was a pretty big cave and I heard a familiar hum. A loaded warthog came from around a corner, turret fixed on me. I fired a few rounds, one guy got out to finish me, when the hog exploded, Andy and Tim had found the cave.

Good sign right?

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