Tuesday, February 14, 2006
California == ack
Well. I'm at work. It is soul crushing, demeaning, etc... as per usual.

On the bright side, I am in the midst of an interview process to maybe get hired by a game company. They are in California, and it would involve moving there. This scares the shit out of me, every bit of shit, a veritable fecal flood.

But the company Mind Control Software looks really cool, and I think it would be a really good opportunity. Get my feet wet and that jazz. I realize that I haven't yet got the chops for going it alone, so getting some more experience and meeting lots of cool people would definately help.

Anyway, the interview process so far is at least somewhat encouraging. I talked to them once before and said I wasn't looking to move, so they had my infos. About a week ago a person from the company I hadn't talked to before emailed me and asked if I was still looking for a job. Being sought out is hot. So anyway, we talked a bit and now I have a programming problem I'm supposed to do in order to give them some idea of my abilities, coding style, work style, etc. This too is shit loosening.

So, you have been warned. I'm on the edge, say boo and I fucking shoot BANG!


P.S. I left a dollar bill under Amish's windshield yesterday, but wait there is more. I got a female co-worker to write "for last night" and initial it with a big ass lip print. He won't read this, so its not yet ruined. I haven't talked to him, so I haven't had an opportunity to give him shit. Must exercise caution, if one of us brings it up he will surely know. But if he brings it up I am apt to laugh maniacly and he will know all the more. Oh dilemma of dilemmas...

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