Thursday, February 23, 2006
This initally started out as a comment to Andy's Kava post, but it was too long, and I haven't posted anything recently due to my insanely hectic schedule of bartending and neurology.
Anyways, down to the business of business.
I would not recommend Kava for some simple reasons. I took Drugs & Individual Behavior and this was topic for some time, so I have actually read recent research and done my homework on this one. Although Kava is a sedative/intoxicant which can be used for anti-anxiety, sleep promoting, and depressant like actions, it is synergistic with other depressants. Which means that if you take Kava with alcohol persay, one beer can equal 3, which doesn't seem so bad at the time. (It acts on the GABA neurotransmitter receptors in your brain, which can cause some very bad things if that gets out of whack)
Not only does it have this effect, but it can cause sedation, slurring, ocular and neck spasms, rash, Parkinsons Disease symptoms, but it can also cause possible liver damage.
Also, since it's not FDA approved, and it can be marketed as an herbal supplement, the amounts of Kava may vary from brand to brand that are out there, making an accurate dosage very difficult to maintain or administer. So, if you do decide to try it out, although it might not seem like a big deal, proceed with caution, for your own good. Anyways, just thought you might like to know that beforehand.
I'm so proud that I learned something in class. Isn't it nice to have someone with background in drugs and neurology?

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