Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Why Government Jobs Don't Require Common Sense
Dave: I need to check to see if my address is correct.
Post Master: So what is your address?
Dave: (gives out)
PM: So what is your new address?
Dave: that is my address. That's the one i have now. I need to make sure it's correct. My mail is being Returned To Sender.
PM: Well how long have you had this new address?
Dave: No. It's my current address.
PM: Lets take a look.... (types) Looks like you dont live at that address. Are you sure you have it right?
Dave: ...I've lived here for almost 3 years now.
PM: We only forward mail for 3 months-
Dave: No. That IS my address. It's getting sent back.
PM: Oh. So what is your new address?
~~right here is where I imagine grabbing the PM by her fat fuckin' head and slamming it into the pavement repeatedly until the bleeding stops~~

This pisses me off to no end because my PAYCHECK got RtS. For no fucking reason at all except the post office had a fuckup.

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