Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Needless to Say
So who has a good tattoo idea for me? Granted, the fact that I've half-assedly been looking around for a good design for the past ten years probably indicates that I will never find one, but it could be an interesting thought experiment anyway.

Right now, the lead suggestion is Spooky Wignall Wrestling Some German Shepherds.

I wrote that as a joke but actually it sounds pretty killer.

Alternately I could tattoo different cocktails on my torso so that after my overindulgence of liquor gives me oral cancer and my tongue is removed, I can order at the bar without having to actually speak.

Last night Sarah and I watched Marathon Man and it was great! You can probably get the best part of the movie by watching the youtube clip of a Nazi dentist torturing Dustin Hoffman.

I am right now forcing myself to eat black olives.

Sarah and I had one of my coworkers and her husband and sister over for New Year's Eve and the foolish woman DARED TO TALK SMACK TO ME REGARDING MY SMASH BROS. SKILL before we even hooked shit up.

Needless to say, that was one rabid dog I put right down.

Here are some quick reviews of books I'm reading or have read recently:

Napoleon in Egypt - Great! A little slow at times but good for a history.

Herodotus's Histories - Great! A little full of alligator men and whatnot for a history but that makes it even better

Just After Sunset - Good for hardcore Stephen King fans who need a fix, but for all others probably skippable. With the exception of a leftover from the 80s (the story that inspired the hitman-tries-to-kill-a-demon-cat segment of the anthology film we watched in the Campus Ave. apartment a few years ago while eating LUCKY'S PIZZA), largely full of well-written and fully-realized stories that are just sort of, eh.

Eating a rice cake now.

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