Thursday, April 02, 2009
Here's the short version of a Halo Wars review: Probably as good as an RTS can get on a console. Very satisfying to watch A trio of Spartans wade into a batch of covenant vehicles and jack them. Easy to play, but not a lot of depth, micromanagers beware.

Elsewhere in the Cricket-verse: mostly busy. Have volunteered for a design event that sees me in the cities every other Thursday. It's pretty fun, but kind of sad that I drive all the way there only to have nothing else to do so I drive back home. This is sad considering how close I am to Uptown when I'm there.

There's been a resurgance in the time I spend playing Halo 3. Fun, but I probably should be using that time for actual projects and research.

I have managed to play/research/make a random project here and there. I've been playing with a thing call Context Free. Interesting in terms of getting artists and designers to think about generative art and not be afraid of math and code.

25 Steps from johnnyCricket on Vimeo.

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