Thursday, December 03, 2009
I want you to hit me as hard as you can
Tim, I accept your challenge. I just hope no one minds reading my daily rant about how terrible the job market is and how desperate I am for decent work. One major stumbling block I've run into lately is: I really don't know what I want to be doing in five years. Or ten years, for that matter.

I know what I DON'T want. I don't want to work for a temp agency. I don't want to be on the phone a lot. I don't want co-workers who get excited about the new season of American Idol. I don't want to be broke.

I would like to find a job that I enjoy, that challenges me, and where I feel like I'm building valuable skills. What is that? Who knows! I recently asked an electrician if he could help me get a job with his company. I think I could be an electrician, or get fried trying.

Advantages to becoming an electrician:

Learn a skill that will probably be useful the rest of my life.

Work in a changing environment with no cubicles.

Satisfaction of a physically tangible finished product.

Most co-workers are male.

Disadvantages to becoming an electrician:

Potential of being electrocuted.

Will have to start from scratch.

May have to drive a long way to work.

Most co-workers are male.

I'm really tired of working in offices with a female majority. Granted, I've never worked in an office with a male majority, so I don't know if it would really be much better, but I imagine it would be. Women are so damn touchy, and they never really tell you things straight. Most of the people I work with are too scared to hurt each others feelings.

My electrician friend says that when his his co-workers have issues with one another, they give each other all kinds of crap--tell each other to go to hell--and then everyone laughs about it and life goes on.

In the female-dominated office, people will discuss one another in whispers and hold closed-door meetings.

Maybe I should become a cage fighter. Its too bad they don't have death matches. The gladiator style death matches with blades and spiked walls and wild animals and a hot chick in a bikini who comes in after the fight is over with a bucket to pick up the severed limbs and then they feed the hot chick and the severed limbs to the wild animals. At least then, if you don't win, you don't have to worry about finding another job.

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