Lets Play "Hide the Dick"

So, now that I have internet back, I figured I would let you in on what's been going on.
I live in Coralville now. It's a nice little 2 bedroom apartment. I need furniture, though. Right now, it looks like I am squatting. Soon, after I obtain a television and some sort of seating arrangement, I will acquire an Xbox 360 and take advantage of more time wasting fun.
I have a very cushioned job. I sit in a spacious cubicle at the back end of the building facing out into undeveloped countryside. I draw pictures in Illustrator all day, most of which consist of math problems. The chances any of you will see them is slim to none, unfortunately, because I signed nondisclosure statements and am unable to keep any of them or distribute any work. I have a 3 monitor system going, with an additional laptop. Most of my day is spent checking style guides, editing art, redrawing art, and going through the databases. I get a nice salary paycheck every two weeks and a metric asston of benefits (health, dental, vision). I also work with Amy Pendergrass's sister-in-law. I also get to see Rominger about every other day. Also, I had pizza with Kim Lamon-Whateverherlastnameis.
Currently, I am animating a short cartoon about ichthyophiliacs as well as a cartoon about dinosaurs having dinner. The graphic novel is also being devised...slower than expected.
Brass tacks. Moonsorrow. Empty milk containers. Congrats to Tim and Sarah, as well. Halloweenhead gets no love.
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