Tuesday, April 06, 2010
The Paper Tongues and The Flaming Lips: Mouth on Fire Tour!
My car alarm keeps going off. Like right now its sitting in the driveway honking for no reason. I don't have to run out there to see if someone's breaking in, or if maybe raccoons are in the garbage, because this happens every warm day. If the temperature is above 70 degrees my car alarm is probably going to go off. I almost forgot about this glitch over the winter, but I was reminded many times over the past couple weeks. I was running out with my keys to unlock it and shut it down, but I'm getting to the point now where I don't really even care. I can hardly hear it over Halo explosions and I don't really give a shit what the neighbors think.

The first month I worked at Pioneer the security guy came over to my cube and asked me about it. He was like, "Um, your car alarm keeps going off. It doesn't appear that anyone is tampering with it, but some of the people over in the lab would really like it to stop. Is there anything you can do about that?"

I'm sure there's a fuse, but dammit, I really just don't care enough to find it.

Its a common problem. Here's a link. I don't care if you click it or not.

The "acedia" that woman talks about is something I'm very familiar with. Acedia is, I think, a large part of why zombie apocalypse/alien invasion scenarios are appealing. Because at this point in civilization we are so beyond basic survival living that we don't even know what the fuck to do half the time. With zombies and aliens its simple: run away from the zombie/alien if you are unarmed. If you are armed, shoot it.

Recently, my biggest sense of acedia came from finding a job. I should have been totally thrilled, but part of me also missed the excitement and anxiety over searching for a job. I've funneled some of the anxiety into a sense of fear over losing the job, but it's only half-strength at this point. If I mess a bunch of stuff up or break the printer again, then maybe things will get exciting.

So now I'm thinking I should set some new goals and maybe even a new hobby. Or rediscover an old hobby. And . . . yeah, I was gonna write some more but I've kind of lost my train of thought and . . . screw it, I'm gonna go play Halo

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