Saturday, May 01, 2010
Garbage Day
Today was graduation day. I had to show up at 9:30 to check in staff
members, none of whom showed up until about 10:15. The ceremony
started at 1 pm and big hordes were still coming in festooned with
balloons for their Horse Academy graduation forty-five minutes later.
Seating was incredibly cramped and although people were issued tickets
beforehand, a lot of people showed up with 15 or 20 people instead of
the six they were signed up for. But here's why I decided to post: one
woman went to the bathroom and when she came back her unassigned seat
had been taken. In response, she called the police. When the cops
showed up they took her out to the lobby and asked to see where she'd
been struck, because they thought someone must have been struck for
them to have been called. No, a seat was taken.

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