Cool. The Victorian Stroll thing. Remember last year when Andy was EXTREMELY tardy for this? Im thinking that it should just be Tim and Dave for the reason that Andy is busy as a bee from the time he gets into Atown to the time he leaves. He didnt even hang out at the apartment but for 5 minutes! It makes me sad. Amish has to work on Saturday 3-11 and theres no chance that he can switch cuz Megan is stupid and wont budge less a River of Pisser tells her to. Oh well. If Andy aint busy sweet he can be Jacob (Bob) Marley. Otherwize, yeah. Ill be Cratchet Tim will be Scrooge and the both of us will be a spectacle....unless I go to Indianola and get drunk.
And Bil? I can make my website whatever the hell color combinations I want.
Oh and in closing, Final Fantasy X-2 should be referred to from now on as Pretty Princess Dress Me Up.
And Bil? I can make my website whatever the hell color combinations I want.
Oh and in closing, Final Fantasy X-2 should be referred to from now on as Pretty Princess Dress Me Up.
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