Sunday, December 14, 2003
I just about killed myself lugging that fucking TV down Dave's lightless, ice-encrusted stairs. WATCH THAT LAST STEP WHILE CARRYING A 100lb OBJECT! IT'S A DOOZY. But hey, at least I have a TV at home now. Probably should have brought home the 'Cube while I was at it. After all, it sure seemed like I didn't have enough shit to carry.

Why have we not invented lightweight TV's yet? When are the prices on flatscreen TVs going down to human levels? Probably about the time they invent fiber-optic sheets of plastic that do essentially the same thing and are able to be rolled up and easy to carry, and cost you your firstborn child plus a limb or two.

In other news, the Aqua Teen Hunger Force DVD is the shizznittle bizbang, as the kids say these days.

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