Wednesday, December 03, 2003
Ok sorry for spamming this message board but I was on the phone and my dad wouldnt stop yakkin about politics. A booze box? Uh....ok. Wouldnt it be cheaper if we just bought the contents ourselves? If we go in with this BoozeBox, its very unevenly distributed. I mean, yeah sure itll be drank but very unevenly distributed. Amish can fly thru a bottle of Jack Daniels faster than any one of us. So that means that if I wanted to get drunk off the Jack Id be blowin 20 dolla on mebbe 5-6 shots while amish would GUZZLE the Jack and the vodka? Fuck. Tim and Wes would inhale that faster than ...well...really. fast. Its just very unevenly distributed booze amounts is what Im saying, and the math is not adding it all together. Yes I know it comes with glasses and shoe bags...but it clicks in my brain that just buying bottles individually and sharing/caring it amoungst us is a lot better economically than throwing a bunch of money in a pool. Its like Person A buying a large pizza for 13 people. Sure, a pizza can be cut into 12 slices...but does it mean Person A gets a slice? Who gets left out? Is it worth it? Explain the booze bottle sizes. Are they individually normal to sell sized bottles or are they like lil sized ones for a gift box? Im lost. My name magically fixed itself. Musta been a wizard. Im not NAYSAYING. Just be more specific in this idea Andy!

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