Wednesday, February 11, 2004
I'd really like to figure out what exactly is going on this weekend before it actually is the weekend.

What / who / where / when?

B-day Thing for me and Wes / Me, Wes, Karl?, Amish?, Tim?, ???? / Grinnel / ????

I have things that must be done before going and I need to know if I have to cram it all in before work tomorrow and Thursday or if I'm going to have some time on Friday to do things. And is it going to be overnight? Who all is driving up? Do I need to bring anything?



Ok, so I talked to Karl. He said he's gonna drive me and him up to Grinnel. We're planning on going up sometime Friday and coming back sometime Saturday. So... That's the plan.

Anyone else from the A-Town area that is going that wants a ride is welcome to hitch a ride if they wish. We could fit two more people in the car pretty easily. You know where the comment link is...

re: Bringing things: What about systems? Controllers? Games?

Speaking of games, I just got Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, and holy shit is it beautiful I can safely say that this game will be fun as hell multiplayer. However, for multiplayer each person needs a GBA. You all have one of those, right? Because I personally side with Gabe's last two posts on this page on that subject.

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