Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Oh Heaven help us all. Does everyone remember that fucking old woman who lived next door to me? The one who called the cops about us squealing The Van's tires and the one who I told had Bitch Bees, right up her ass? Well Holy Shit. That woman wants to start trouble. So my sister took one of our dogs (not Mamma Sookie, the other big barking menace) outside to shit&stuff when she waddles her "handicapped parking yet I walk normally for a fossilized neanderthal who harbors bitch bees, in my ass mind you" carcuss outside with her redneck son (who, as it turns out, was runoff from his fucking mom's leaking sodomised asshole) and start yelling such things as "fuck" "Shit" "cunt whore" get the picture. So why did they waddle out and start the End Times? Because a dog...was BARKING...OUTSIDE....IN THE AFTERNOON. So when I return to Albia, Im changing my job class from Student to Hobo King and kicking this in the ass. Hobo Kings are invulnerable to 1000 BitchBee Sting Attack, as well I went and leveled up to level 27. Then Ill get the Magicite of Alexander and get everyone Pearl. Whoohoo!!! FUCKING OLD PEOPLE! I swear to God that she is just ASKING for me to let loose my bent up anger and rage. It will be awesome fucking an oppossum. Hell, ill be the Bees Knees for this ass whooping of Hobo King Delight!!!!

...Did anyone see the Passion of the Jews South Park? That was the best interpretation of Mel Gibson ever!

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