Thursday, April 15, 2004
Well, thanks to George W. BITCH traffic was horrible downtown today. My route to work takes me right past the front of the Marriott hotel where he was speaking. Quite the crowd had shown up and the police were directing traffic with poor efficiency.

I did get a chance to read some of the signs people were carrying. A bearded guy in a ballcap was holding a big piece of cardboard that read "Preemptive strike= Premeditated Murder", written in what looked like blue crayon. That was pretty cool. There were also quite a few people who came in support of Bush, many of which were attractive young ladies....and that was not so cool... Bush apparently has some kind of hypnotic effect on impressionable young women, especially the good-looking ones.

If any of you more computer savvy people would like to make some money I have a proposition for you. If you're interested email me at cause thats the only mail I can check at work

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