Friday, May 21, 2004
This was initially a comment on Tim's post, but it started to get long.

The spire/steeple design became really popular in the middle ages when all the cities were trying to build bigger and bigger cathedrals. The spire was sort of a 'pointing to heaven' thing, but it was also the best architectural means of increasing the overall height of the building without compromising the structural integrity. The minerets on Islamic mosques serve a similar purpose, fingers pointing to Allah.

Thats your lesson in religious architecture for today.

Awesome that you have an interview Tuesday. Coincidently, I have a second interview with the Register on Tuesday. I had my first last Tuesday, and I'm guessing this one is going to be for all the beans. If I get it, its going to mean a substantial pay cut, but it will be more 'English Major' related. Anyway, good luck to you. I'm sure you will rock them, hard and solid.

This weekend is my brother's graduation and his birthday, so I'm going to be with him during the day on Saturday. I told Molly I'd do something with her this weekend, but I'm not really sure of the details on that. What is everyone else doing this weekend?

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