Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Copy Editor: The closest an English major can come to being God
I applied for a Copy Editor position in Aberdeen South Dakota. Its quite a long drive from Des Moines Iowa, but I was thinking about how far Dave lives from Des Moines, and I still see him about as often as I see everyone in Albia. So I went for it. I've been really agressive with this one.

First I mailed them a pimped out resume and a cover letter that I had poured over the night before. Oh, there were also ten pages of writing samples enclosed in that letter. I stuffed those pages into a manilla envelope and slapped a few stamps on it. The envelope and its contents are probably somewhere in South Dakota by now.

I also scoured the internet trying to find some contact information for this publication, other than it's physical address. I came up with an e-mail address, so I decided to hit them with another payload.

You would know, now that I've got some job prospects in another state, Johnny Buttsex decides to call me and offer to move into an apartment with me. So now I have to decide if I want to sign a lease with him, essentially chaining me to the Des Moines area for an entire year.

The upshot is: Johnny Buttsex will surely approve of us getting Xbox Live.

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