Saturday, September 25, 2004
I'll tell you what a blowhole ISN'T for.....
Ive still not found out who wrote that letter. Its hand written, btw. Ali claims that it was in the room next door to me on the potheads' homemade bar cuz she saw the paper there (the upper right corner was ripped off...prolly for doin dope!) but still...those guys never seemed to have a prob w/ me cuz I never complained about their music or their "vapors." If they did have an issue with me, it might be the fact I do stuff with Ali as where they dont so much. But they dont know some of the details of me that they put in there; the letter included the situation about me and Michelle Rominger and all that jazz. Its a Meadow Mystery, Mr. E. Solved.

A heapin handful of my friends up here have moved into their own apartments these last few days. As well, its Fall Break and Im stuck here--mostly alone at the dorms. I was to partae last nite, but everyone who was drinkin (the RAs, mind you) got involved in Tekken Tag. They fear Panda and Roger curteousy me. So that was played for about 4-5 hours and not the trumpet as planned. Oh well. There is still a week.

I plan to be back in Iowa around December 18th...ish. Damn thats a long ass time from now.

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