Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Junkies to the left of me, retards to the right, Here I am stuck in the middle with fools.

My new roomie Karl looks like Mike from American Choppers, The Deadly Latin Vipers Cleaning Assassin Squad destroyed our room's internet router, Florida and my genetically pure side of my family are constantly bombarded by hurricanes now, no cash to see Shaun of the Dead, Tom left a fucking Madame Trashheap when he moved out, I have 2 dollars to either buy TP or do laundry, I still have no clue about the fucked up note, school is asking me for 10grand before i start classes cuz FA is a fucking bunch of cumstained jerksocks, I got barked at by a rich white republican douchebagging assfucker cuz I turned my car around in his "spot" he was waiting for, www.ilovebees.com is a hoax, Drakengard ate up 3 hours of my life as I tried to beat the last boss, FABLE owns my spare time, and my printer is not printing blues or blacks even though the test sheets print out perfectly.

"I shoulda come home for break." is the best way for me to explain it.

However, I have started on the new comic. And "other" things. But yes. Shit.

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