Monday, September 27, 2004
Peachy keen!
Blah blah blah BLAH!
I am very frustrated right now. Why is it when you actually want to work, it's next to imfuckingpossible to find a job? It's just like the world in general says this to you: "Oh, you want to work? Well good luck you poor sap! You'd have better luck getting struck by lightning AND winning the lottery at the same time. While you're at it, why don't you just find the cure for aids or something? HA!"
I have applied at several places, interviews have come to me, and gone very well. Possible and future employment has been discussed with owners/managers, then positions are filled. But, there's only one thing missing here....ME. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the fact that I am not blonde, or that I am lacking something. Maybe it's the fact that I actually want to work, or that my schedule accomodates easly to almost any shift anywhere. Hopefully I get it figured out fast.
I am just in a horrible mood right now. If things in the employment area don't improve fast, I may have to fall back on everyone's favorite fall back employment place....Pizza Hut. Shudder.
Though, comming back on weekends may prove to be just as useless. Hells bells.
So, I am going to go to the library and waste some more of my life studying for a degree that will probably prove to be as useful as a screen door on a submarine.
If anyone has any suggestions, hit me with them.
Bye for now.

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