Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Babies are just tiny people!!!
Good shittin lord. First off, Saturday afternoon was the event of me getting into a minor fender bender, which led to my fucking car BREAKING DOWN 30 minutes later. THEN to top all this shit off, I had a bill of $240 to pay before i could get my ass into my car and go home. Did this happen? No. I had to wait till tuesday to do so. And when I DO pay for it, the fucking repair guy apparently syphoned gas out of my car. I swear I had 1/2 a tank when I broke down and when I got back on the road my "FEED MY FIRES OF HELL" near empty light came on. So I made it back to Denver on fumes and coasting. I hates my life.

However, to much joy, I awoke to a girl pouncing on me to wake me up and to hear her laments on how she broke up w/ her boyfriend. And about 30 mins after that, I had a rushed interview and now Im a fucking desk worker! WHoooohooo! I get to let people into the labs and take their IDs. I start next wednesday. So Ill be paying back everyone.

On my trip home, I came up w/ a great show idea. Has anyone seen that Super Milk Chan show? Dont. Its like an epileptic seisuring japanese kid mated with a pop culture ADD retard and they vomited up their child who they tried to drown about 9 times unsuccessfully. Anywho, the show has random ass characters. So I decided "Hmmm...Thats a good idea for a show's cast." So heres my idea: A robot, a ninja, and a pirate all live together and have zany antics. Itd be badass. Like super badass. 2-ninjas-tied-together-to-make-one-big-ninja badass. Ok. Ill shut up now.

Thanx again ever'one for the 2 days of Thanxgivin I spent w/ya. Tim? You love babies. FUCKING LOVE BABIES!

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