Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Only mostly dead.
Some updatiness for those who wish to be updated.
(Previously, in Mel's Updates...) Moved to new-ish place that's gimongous. Still in Montrose, CO..

(New shite)
Imported a new roomie who we will call "Jimmy" ('cause that's his name.) More Irish than (I kid you not) Goathead. Only with few shenannigans (sp?) to his name, and more debauchery. Decent sort. About 20 years of age. Engaged to wed a 16 year-old goth/punk we will call "Smurf" ('cause it's not her name.)
Interesting sort. May as well be a roommate as she's over daily. She makes funny noises in "Jimmy's" room...usually only when "Jimmy's" there, however.
Met "Jimmy's" friend, Chris. Who, for all intents and purposes, will now be known as "Nick, but Taller."

It's fuckin' aaaaam...fuckin' eerie how closly he resembles our now-distant aqaintance in both speech and action.

Roomie "Fukknut" had a heart-attack. His second in his 28 years of life. I think I'd feel sorry for him if he wasn't so annoying. As it is, he can't work for a while and the rest of us have to help his "I can't get my own coffee, I can only play X-Box" ass out.

I myself have disengaged from Blockbuster Inc., as my boss was a minature dumbfuck. "Dumbfuck" being, of course, the nicest possible term I could find for her. "Miniature" meaning she was 4'8". In truth, she was a back-stabbing bimbo who, I think, had the hots for yours truley (I must stress that this was both disturbing and repulsive to me as a) I'm straight, b) I dig men, c) I'm partial to natural dick, as opposed to artificial and d) she's ass-ugly.
But that's not the reason I quit. I can tolerate my boss having a crush as long as everything else is Kosher. It wasn't.
In short, I was lied to repeatedly, lied about repeatedly, and generally treated like shit.
So I quit. (Hey, that rhymed.)

Got a job at a glass-etching place. Fun-fun, right?
Not right. My duties consisted of a) Putting masking tape on things and 2)occasionlly taking masking tape off of things.
Beginning of the second week, my boss calls me (at 6:30 a.m.) and tells me not to bother coming in anymore...things "just weren't working out."
The phrase in quotation being the only reason they gave me for letting me go.

So...that's what's up here-abouts.
Just wanted you to know that I'm not, in fact, dead.
Phantom of the Opera rocked my fucking face off.
Ryan (if you're still ont he list?), happy belated birthday.
Dave...I've lost track of your whereabouts. If you're still in Denver, OpusFest is May 22-24. Fun times. I think it's at the Four-Points Sheradon one one of those major roads that crosses C-470. If you're not in Denver...um...Hi.
Everyone else....

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