Monday, April 18, 2005
An epic tale about the brewery in the trunk of my car

I was starting to wonder if Bil was a figment of my imagination until he posted the other day. I hadn't seen him in so long, I thought my mind had created him. After all, a person that cool could not possibly exist in reality. That would be absurd.

I think the last time I had seen him or Morgan was when Ryan and I jumped them from behind at the mall. Ryan practically tackled Morgan, which nearly earned him a decapitiation by gerber.

Martin graced us on Saturday and was witness to one of the better nights of pound-me-in-the-ass karaoke. I didn't think anyone could top Ryan in just plain ridiculousness, but Cory's friend Ben pulled it off with his screaming falsetto renditions of Highway to Hell and Welcome to the Jungle. I saw the hot hot karaoke girl cover her ears and run off the stage after the first verse of Highway.

Frank Sinatra music is really relaxing. I've been listening to a lot of Sinatra at work lately and it really mellows me out. I don't even want to break Stefanie's neck right now. It's amazing! Oh, and for those of you who know her (which is probably limited to Tim and Ryan) she got her nose and her nipples pierced over the weekend and she wants to show them off at the loft this Thursday. So in other words: Stay away from the loft this Thursday.

For those of you who don't know Stef, she's the girl I work with who was supposed to be hired as my assistant and her duties were going to include whatever the hell I wanted them to include. As it turns out, she's really just a lazy bitch who spends her day eating bagels, talking on the phone and occasionally doing a job that someone else gives her. She might do something I give her once or twice a week, if I'm lucky.

Because of her I was nearly buried alive beneath folders and Bank Manual pages last week. I thought I was going to have to light my desk on fire if I ever wanted to get rid of it all.

To top the week off I had to suffer eight hours of intense cockblocking yesterday. Oh the pain!

Man, I love grapefruit!

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