Monday, May 09, 2005
Carlson: OHH, wow it's shiny!

Beckett: Umm...isn't that a covey gren....OH SHIT DON'T TOUCH THAT

Carlson: Here, you can have it. (Throws plasma grenade on Beckett.)

Beckett: OH GOD, it burns!!!

*Over to Quincy and Alejandro*

Quincy: What are those two doing? Jerking each other off?

Alejandro: No sir, Carlson seems to be trying to kill Beckett.

Quincy: It doesn't look like he's been very successful.

Alejandro: No, so far he's only managed to give him a few third degree burns and a couple of cockbruises.

Quincy: Cockbruises?

Alejandro: Yes. Cockbruises. Don't you ever get bruises on your cock?

Quincy: I must be hanging out with the wrong women.


Spielberg says, "I saw it about a week ago, and it's absolutely amazing.
"It's the best of the last three episodes. It's the best way you could possibly imagine for George to finish it off, it has a tremendous ending and it's very dark. You'll cry at the end, it's wonderful."

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