Tuesday, August 30, 2005
I can not believe how fucked New Orleans is. The pics are freakin freaktastic. NYT has some good shots on the front page, as do all the major papers.

When I was a kid I hardcore jonesed for a flood in Albia. I thought it'd be badass swimming around the square or boating over to Meagan's house. Of course, all the busted sewer pipes and dead animals and trash . . . that would sort of foul it up.

I just . . . I'm looking for stats on disabled employees, and I found a gov't webpage for "small bus employers." And I was like " . . . is the government like . . . officially calling businesses that employ the disasbled 'Short Bus Employers'? But it turned out to be an abbreve for small business employers. ho ho ho. merry fuckmas.

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